Frequently asked questions

Any question? Check our FAQ section and if you have more questions do not hesitate to contact us:

Can I enter and exit the park whenever I want?

In Aquarama you can only go out to the car park after 12:00. It is only allowed to do so a maximum of three times during the day.

What time do the ticket offices open?

The ticket offices are open from 10am to 6pm, uninterruptedly. To avoid unnecessary queues, we recommend buying tickets online through

Do I have a discount for being a person with a disability? And my companion?

The person with a disability (33% or higher) must get the ticket in person at the park ticket office to benefit from the reduced ticket. It will be mandatory to show their ID and the official card for people with disabilities.
The companion will be free as long as in said card it is indicated by the Conselleria that he needs the help of a 3rd person. If not indicated on the card, the accompanying person will pay the general admission without reduction. The companion of the person with disabilities must be the same during the visit date, and must enter the park together with the person with disabilities.
Disc. valid only for the whole day from 11am to 7pm.
Disc. Not combinable with other offers or promotions.
You can find all the rates here.

Are there specific products for celiacs?

You can find the offer of gluten-free dishes suitable for celiac people in the Self-Service, open from 12:30 to 4:00 p.m. We remind you, however, that you can bring your own food to the park.

Are tickets allowed for large groups?

For the month of June you can make reservations for arranged groups made up of more than 20 people. To manage your reservation you must send an email to, indicating the expected date of visit, approximate number of people, and the fiscal data of the school, ampa, association, falla…
Limited capacity daily

Can animals enter the park?

For sanitary and hygiene reasons, pets are not allowed, with the exception of guide dogs.

Is smoking tobacco allowed in Aquarama?

Currently there is no possibility to purchase cigarette packs, but at the moment smoking is only allowed in the specific area located in the picnic area.

Should I wear flip flops?

Its use is recommended for hygiene reasons.

Can I wear glasses when I use the attractions?

It is not allowed to wear glasses, jewelry, buckles or rigid brooches when using attractions or pools because it is a risk. If the use of lenses is essential, CONSULT THE LIFEGUARDS.

Can children go alone?

Children under the age of twelve must be accompanied by an adult.

How do I buy a ticket?

You can buy your ticket online through Choose your ticket and the day you want to come, buy the ticket and bring it to your phone to validate it.

Can I change the day of the ticket?

Yes, you can change it until the day of your visit at 9 am if you have a ticket for the whole day. If your ticket is for the afternoon shift (from 3pm to 7pm) you can change the day until 1pm.
You have a maximum of two changes per ticket.

Can you use physical money in the park?

It is possible.

How and where can I get the cashless bracelet?

To enhance your Aquarama experience without worries, you just need to request our Aquawallet bracelet. With it you can pay safely and comfortably in the vast majority of services within the park, without having to carry cash. In the park there are several acquisition and charging points available (main ticket offices and customer service office), either with a visa or with cash.

How does the cashless bracelet work?

You can get it at the customer service office and charge it with the desired amount (minimum €10, and you can recharge each bracelet up to a maximum of €60 max. in multiples of €5). Its use is free, although a deposit of €5 per bracelet will be requested. If you run out of money, you can always top it up again at the customer service office. When the day is over and you return the bracelet, we will return the remaining money along with the deposit.

Where can I use the cashless bracelet inside the park?

With Aquawallet you can make purchases in the different establishments in our park, such as the restaurant areas: Cafetería Olas, Terrace, ice cream parlor, Space and Naufrago, or in Sunbeds, Shop and wardrobe, without having to carry money with you.

How do I get the money back from the cashless bracelet?

If at the end of the day you have not spent all that you had put into the bracelet, the remaining money will be returned. You will simply have to go to the customer service office at the exit of the park, where you will have to return the bracelet and the deposit will be reimbursed and also the remaining money through the same form of payment with which you made the load (visa or cash).